Tarang Graphic Studio
Tarang Advertisement Center started its
professional activities as a Specialized Studio in Mashhad in 2008. Major activities of this center deal with offering Graphic design services and
packaging. Tarang established its other office in Tehran, in 2011 and since the time, this institute has been working with its two branches, in Mashhad and Tehran. In addition to its specialized studios of Graphics, packaging laboratories, publication
department, innovation room and branding
department, Tarang recently established its
Advertisement Counseling Department.
Branding and Advertising services
In the past, organizations mostly had tangible assets; while, currently more than 80% of the assets of mass companies are intangible assets. “Brand” is one of the most important intangible assets.
Major services of Tarang in this section are as
- Brand visual and conceptual identification:
Identifying identifiable parameters, selecting a trademark, designing a trademark, selecting commercial watchwords, selecting organizational
essence and color
- Offering consultation for brand modification (or improvement): Designing and implementing brand improvement program
- Designing a book of Brand: Major titles of this book of brand include but not limited to the philosophy of brand, major brand strategies, brand personity, visual identity, brand development and protetion plan. This book is one of the most strategic
documents for any organization.
Advertising and Branding
Advertising is one of the main concerns of organizational managers. Unfortunately, regarding lack of clear advertising strategies in organizations and also, subject to purely economic point of view of some of economic advisers and institutions, an organization losses a significant portion of its resources and opportunities.
Tarang planned an essential strategy in the field of advertisement which is distinction of designing and advertising department from the media. Instead of performing our media campaigns exclusively based on TTL, ATL and BTL, we design and plan our programs as per needs and resources of the related
- Advertisement auditing of the Organization (in terms of available media and tools in the organization): Extracting organizational requirements and codifying management reports
- Expert counseling in Advertisement: Offering
specialized and expert consultation for advertisement based on the related requirements
- Designing branding program based on organizational marketing and macroeconomic strategies
- Conceptual design of sales and advertisement
instruments: Design and production of content for catalogs, brochures of products, website and the like
- Designing advertisement campaigns: Studying organizational strategies, forming creativity and
innovation room, performing conceptual design and executive plan of advertisement campaigns
Advertising and Branding Project
A well designed program bears no privilege, if it is inappropriately implemented and the result will be nothing but the loss of time and resources.
In our country, a lot of advertising and branding projects have been failed due to lack of coherent structures in their implementation. In this part of services, Tarang manages advertisement projects in position of contractual management. Ultimately, this performance results in decreasing spiritual and
material costs of advertisement projects.
The most important services in this include but not limited to the followings:
- Managing pre-implementation processes:
codifying specialized RFP, reviewing proposals,
auditing and appointing performers
- Monitoring and controlling project: monitoring contractors, confirming Gantt chart, controlling executive projects and the like
Graphics and Packaging Services
Specialized graphic studio and specialized packaging laboratory have offered their specialized approaches to their customers for years.
The services of these units are as follows:
Graphic Studio
- Design and implementation of logo, organizational color and slogan (based on the standard methodology and selecting the predicted concept).
- Design and implementation of administrative sets (business cards, paperwork, etc.)
- Design and implementation of environmental
advertisements (billboard, stand, etc.)
- Design and implementation of sales and marketing materials (catalog, leaflet, etc.)
- Industrial and non-industrial photography
- Design of pictograms and organizational entrances, stores etc.
Packaging Lab
Contemporarily, packaging is an integrated part of product’s identity and it also is major factor in sales promotion. We created this specialized laboratory for adding a special feature to the organization in various fields of packaging.
The activities of this laboratory are as follows:
- Industrial design packaging as per customers’
requirements and the nature of the product
- Graphic design of packages in form of visual identity of a brand
- Standardization of packaging in the form of packaging visual identity booklet.

Printing Services
Printing Affairs
Tarang offers a full range of printing services.
These services include but not limited to the followings:
Preparation of standard outputs for a variety of
printing services and performing printing affairs
including pre-printing, printing and post-printing services in their full type and with the approach of “zero to hundred”.
Monitoring Printing process
In Tarang’s point of view, printing is not only limited to printing affairs. We know printing as a part of an integrated process. Nowadays, with regard to the development of printing services, application of a standard management approach in printing affairs results in reduction of cost prices, risks and stresses of printing projects. Technical control of all stages from designing to printing, as a highly technical and specialized operation, is the main responsibility of printing supervisor. The process should cover all stages from acceptation of customers’ orders up to their perfect delivery. Controlling cost prices of printing products and services is considered to avoid duplications, selection of contractors with less costs and the lack of engagement of inter-organizational factors. Therefore, appointment of a proper project manager for organizational printing services has been regarded as a smart and essential decision.